Frequently Asked Questions

  • Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique of Chinese Medicine and many other countries in Asia. Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating these various systems, acupuncture can stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

    Like other holistic medical traditions, Chinese medicine treats the whole person, taking into account lifestyle factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease. In diseases where western medicine struggles to isolate a singular, treatable source, Chinese medicine thrives in untangling this web of symptoms by starting at the source.

    Acupuncture is not only applicable to physical ailments but can provide a psychological respite from the stresses of the modern world. Regular sessions can proactively create positive health outcomes in the future by living a balanced life in the present.

  • Acupuncture can improve nearly all conditions related to lifestyle and is particularly strong in resolving pain conditions. Patients have also seen improvements in anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive disorders, headaches, and infertility.

  • Yes. Golden Mean Acupuncture is an in-network provider for Cigna, United Healthcare, and Oscar plans and happily bills for all covered conditions. Please include your insurance Subscriber ID Number on your intake form and present your insurance card at your first appointment.

  • Conditions with a sudden onset tend to respond faster, sometimes in as few as 3 sessions. Chronic and multifactorial conditions can take longer to respond, but usually, there is some degree of relief as acupuncture has a positive effect on outlook along the way. It can provide ‘space’ between you and your condition, which helps to break negative thought patterns that keep us in a mindset of suffering.

    In some cases of severe chronic patterns, we have to make systemic changes and forge a new normal. Acupuncture can act as a catalyst for these modifications and also improve our mood as we undergo difficult changes.

    While modern medicine has trained us to seek a cure (complete absence of symptoms with very strong medications and surgeries) holistic medicines focus on repairing the body. This takes time.

  • No. It is normal to have some sensation, maybe a momentary dull ache, but it’s very mild and passes very quickly. All needles are of the highest quality, stainless steel, and single-use. They are flexible and very thin! You can still have a session with only a few needles. We will walk you through it.

  • It’s best to wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to properly relax during your session. Absolutely no bra or underwear. Your acupuncturist will likely need access to your arms, chest, and legs from the knee down, so it’s best to avoid binding pants and long sleeves. If needed we will be happy to provide you with a gown and/or a blanket for draping.

    Avoid arriving on an empty stomach. A small meal an hour or so prior to your appointment will counteract any lightheadedness and put you at ease on the table. If it’s possible, plan on a relaxing day, if not, an hour to wind down post-session is a plus.

  • LA, am I right? Please be sure to leave yourself extra time to find a spot. Street parking is available on Sunset, and we urge you to be sure to read all signage prior to leaving your vehicle. For first-time visits please do not park in a one-hour zone, as your session will likely extend that time.

    On the hill just above our clinic is the beautiful Angelino Heights, where you can often find residential street parking on E. Kensington Blvd. This is a great option for patients who don’t mind a short walk down the secret stairs that exit just behind Esqueleto at 1298 W. Sunset Blvd.

    We have tailored our office hours with your parking convenience in mind and hope that we have minimized the inconvenience as much as possible.